Ladies and Gentlemen, we just ended the shooting of Stigmate directed by Sir Barral and Sir Atmane. We immerged in medieval universe, full of fear, anger and black death. Neither princess, nor prince charming, neither dragon, nor druid. Soon we’ll bring you too.
We went to exceptional places, whose monastic memory is still buried in the stones. Their souls offered us exceptional settings to stage this exceptional scenario.
Our knights team braved the wind, storms and aerial seas to accomplish theur mission and make this horrifique fiction. We’ll star the postproduction soon. A great thanks to the technical ans artistic teams.
We are very excited to be able to show you more, and share you soonly a teaser of this horrific Short.
With the support of Normandie Image (Normandy), de CICLIC (Région Centre Val de Loire), SACEM and ADAMI
We also are on Facebook, stay tuned to receive infos about this projet !
Technical team
👨🏻🤝👨🏻 Directors | Writters: Sélim Atmane and Hugo Barral
💻 Production : Victor Foret (Executive producer, LA BALEINE MÉCANIQUE), Pauline Moreau (Production Director, ALL IN ONE PRODUCTION)
🎶 Music : Forever Pavot (Composer)
📢 Directing team : Corentin Hascoët (Assistant director), Frédérique Delarue (2nd Assistant Director), Axelle Rodier (Script)
🚨 Location : Quentin Rusterholtz (Location Manager), William Rondwasser (Assistant Manager), Anne Delarue (Assistant Manager)
📽 Frame : Romain Dubois (DOP), Bastien Chilloux (1rst Assistant camera), Héol Denieul (Trainee assistant camera)
💡 Electricity : Jean Riou (Gaffer), Lucas Bion (Electrician), Pierre-Yves Riou (Trainee electrician), Samy Delame (Trainee electrician)
🗜 Grip : Benjamin Erny (Key grip), Arthur Pinaud (Grip)
🎤Sound : Lucas Charvet (Chef opérateur de prise de son), Théo Poussard (Perchman)
📜 Decoration : Sébastien Delbarre (Set decorator), Jean-Charles Gaignant (Assistant decorator), Claire Amedro-Baillon (Assistant decorator)
🥼 Costumes : Coline Bavois (Costume designer), Alice Bregeard (Wardrobe)
👨🎨 Beauty Makeup and Special Effect : David Scherer (FX Makeup), Morgane Ravalet (FX Makeup)
👨🍳 Catering : Maxime Canelli and Émilie Daniel
📹 Making of : Valentin Bertomeu and Perrin Vossion
Simon : Padrig Vion
Prior father : Carlo Brandt
Jean : Jean-Louis Loca
The stranger : Jean-Louis Costes
Marcus : Eric Banse
Doorman Brother : Joël Le François
Nurse Monk : Hervé Boudin
Assistant Monk : Marco Bataille-Testu
Suspisious Monk : Pierre Trouvé
Choir Monk : Gérard Yon
Villager : Dimitri Besicovitch