Call From Distant Earth formed in 2019 is a Metalcore band
(United-States native music style, influenced by hardcore punk and heavy metal stage. It features punk riffs and rythms but with the “hardness” closer to metal combined to clean-voice chorues)
The band will release its first EP called “The Fall Of Desmeda”, freely adapted of the story “La Chute de Desmeda” wrote by the signer of the band. The story focuses on the journey of a character forced to leave his dying planet to find a new habitable territory to bring salvation to the other survivors.
The story build it drama arround the evolution of a principal character who tell us his powerlessness in front of the surounding world (human and environemental crisis, unfairness, civil war…) A dangerous Odyssey conclued by the protagonist evolution to a true hero.
Strong of it various influences, from djent, to progressive metal, metalcore and black metal,
Call From Distant Earth express the rage that drives him through a rich and sharp sound, knowing how to combine violence and melody.
Band members
Singer: Theo Poussard
Guitar Lead : Colin Rigal
Guitar Rythmic : Benoit Hauton
Bassist : Nicolas Bouyer
Drumer : Lelio DeBailliencourt
Born in Belgium, she spend the most part of her childhood at the opera and Flemish Primitives exhibitions.
During her cinematographic studies in Brittany and Paris, she multiplied her filming experiences and expand her professional network.
Since 2015, she joined All in One Production as producer and director and enabled the company to specialise in Fiction in 2017.
Through the compagny, Pauline has directed Shorts Films, Commercials and recently Clips. Her latest Short, Nearby Memories has already been selected in more than ten countries and is winning awards in festivals.
In parallel, she produces directors from other regions and works regularly with Brittany. She has notably co-produced “Fog” directed by Mads Yt-Schniberg and more recently “On my way” directed by Bertrand Basset.
Since her first movie, Pauline has sought create and reinforce a personnal universe and prefers emotions and character development to classical dramaturgy.

Forlorn Hope show the sad observation of powerless witness facing the world desaster. A complain, a despereate scream about the deadly future of people submit under violence, insalubrity, exclusion. The goal was showing two men fightings themselves between battle and brotherhood. It appears primordial to me to work on emotions through a screenplayed clip. Through a dramaturgy that let symboles and feelings places.
The shadows on my skin
The shadows in my heart
What have you done ?
I also wanted to work around a symbolism that would build a bridge between their planet and ours. My inspiration takes it’s roots from the song title in the historical way. « Lost Childs» or « Doppelsönder» were fighter or prisoners send to death in battles in first lines, in exchange a higher salary or their freedom.nspired by artists like Bill Viola or Andreï Tarkovski, I decide to use the tar like the central element to this work.
Black gold faithfully reflects some of the ills of our society, such as oil spills, human torture or economical perversion. In this clip, tar represents protagonist deadly destiny, express by ineluctable death of a new born coated in the fatality liquid or the deadly future of a man vainly preparing an already lost battle.
The clip will found it climax when the band became viewer of this destruction and ask a disturbing question : Aren’t we condemning our proper child, giving them “Forlorn Hope” statut ?