France. Year 1350. During the Black Plague, Simon goes back to his monastery after a long pilgrimage. But his return to the community is not so easy: despite his efforts to reintegrate, he feels left out, out of place. One day, an intruder breaks into the monastery. A series of strange events leads Simon to understand that he will never be the same monk he was before.

This morning, Grandma died. After 65 years of marriage, Hubert is alone for the first time, tired and weak. That damned roll of toilet paper is always a little too far away. Léonie, his granddaughter, comes to help him. Overwhelmed by the noisy adults, perhaps the best idea is to open an aged whisky.

Olivia boards a boat and wanders through her memories, desperately trying to figure out her place in the world. Despite her efforts, one question remains unanswered : could the unknown land of her ancestors be the solution to her transgenerational disarray?

Et si la mort était le but de l’existence ? Trois élus ont l’immense privilège de mourir prématurément en gagnant en prime leur place au paradis. Au seuil de leur délivrance, leur idéologie est ébranlée par l’influence d’un étrange dissident.

What if death was the purpose of life? Three chosen ones have the immense privilege of dying prematurely and earning a place in paradise as a bonus. On the threshold of their deliverance, their ideology is shaken by the influence of a strange dissident.

Aurelia, an actress, has an appointment in a gastronomic restaurant with Thierry, a man from the cultural scene. He wants to sponsor her shows. During the dinner, Aurelia tells the story of Jean-Guy, an art patron, who was also supposed to finance her and took her to the same restaurant. Then she confides endlessly about her sexual misadventures with producers, directors, politicians… While eating, she heats up, talks loudly, talks about sex with no filter, without stopping, Thierry is shocked. The classic seduction scene between an actress and her “producer” goes out of control, turns absurd under the malicious eye of the waiter.
What are Thierry’s intentions? What are Aurelia’s ? Did she sleep with the previous patron? Does Thierry have desire for Aurelia? Is Thierry abusing his position?  Does Aurelia want to seduce him? Who is the good guy ?